Origó MONO – the monolingual English exam

Origó MONO The new English exam by ELTE Origó Language Exam Centre (ONYC)

In addition to our popular bilingual English exam, we offer a new monolingual exam in English called Origó MONO.

We recommend this exam to those who do not like translating, or have been using only monolingual coursebooks, or do not speak Hungarian, or will work / study in an English-speaking environment where translation is not a necessary skill.

The exam:

It covers four skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

You can take 



For every skill, the maximum score is 25 points. The pass mark is 60%. A minimum requirement for each skill is 40%.

Timing, tasks, scores:

Oral exam (Listening and Speaking):

Listening: Three tasks, 25 points: 

3 recordings repeated twice with breaks to answer the questions: ~30-35 minutes at each level.

Task 1: Finish the sentences (10 points) (number of words limited)

Task 2: Answer the questions (10 points) (number of words limited)

Task 3: Multiple choice questions (5 points)

Oral exam (Speaking): Three tasks, 25 points: 

Timing: B1: 10 minutes, B2: 15 minutes, C1: 20 minutes: 

Task 1: Guided conversation about two topics

Task 2: Picture-based long turn (monologue)

Task 3: Situational dialogue 


Task fulfilment: 5-5-5 points (5 points/task)

Accuracy and range of vocabulary (overall assessment of the three tasks): 5 points

Accuracy and range of grammar (overall assessment of the three tasks): 5 points

Written exam (Reading and Writing):

Timing (Reading AND Writing):

B1: 90 minutes

B2: 120 minutes

C1: 150 minutes


B1 Reading: Three tasks, 25 points: 

Task 1: Answer the questions (number of words limited) (15 points)

Task two: Multiple matching (headlines to short paragraphs/articles) (5 points)

Task 3: Cloze test (gap filling) (5p) with word bank and distractors (5 points)

B1 Writing: Two tasks, 25 points

Task 1: An informal letter based on three prompts (15 points)

Task 2: Comment or message (10 points)

B2 and C1 Reading: Two tasks, 25 points

Task 1: Answer the questions (number of words limited) (15 points)

Task 2: Task 3: Cloze test (gap filling) with word bank and distractors (10 points)

B2 and C1 Writing: Two tasks, 25 points

Task 1: An informal letter based on five prompts (choose one of the two topics) (15 points)

Task 2: Comment/opinion (10 points)

Assessment: Task 1: three criteria, Task 2: two criteria at all levels:
Task 1: Content and task fulfilment (5 points) Accuracy and range of vocabulary (5 points) Accuracy and range of grammar (5 points)

Task 2: Task fulfilment (5 points) Language use (5 points) 

Printed dictionaries, both monolingual and bilingual are allowed during the written exam and the listening test.


If you have any further questions, write an e-mail to info@onyc.hu.